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Wednesday, March 26, 2014

Hello anyone on docrafts

Hello to all 
I'm on docrafts site I've finally gone back on there as I've just remember my password I know silly me ,any how if you fancy popping over its a really great site  

Tuesday, March 25, 2014

Messy craft room

Hopefully this one above mine well look like that fingers cross ???

Mine is the messy one :( in pink 
Hello everyone 
I'm so sorry I haven't blogged in ages.....
But what with being a carer and a parent
And getting a puppy life just got in the way so here I am ... My craftroom has been put on the back burner so I haven't been crafting,at all :(
But things are going to change!! 
Me and my fiancé Jon are going to take the bull by its horns and embark on getting my craft room looking bigger and better so watch this space