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Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Hello everyone

Hello to you all I'm at home with one job well done 
Went to parents evening today the teachers said good things about my kids that's why I'm happy as a bee laughing out load
Hope you are ok

Monday, October 14, 2013

Compatitions on Facebook

I'm having a giveaway starting on Facebook 

Pop over and have a look

Saturday, October 12, 2013


I'm sorry I haven't been in here for ages but I've been in fb a lot and dealing with alot what with kids school and then being ill then my dad being ill it gets abit to much sometimes but hey Ho that's the way it goes sometimes doesn't it lol 
Anyway I hope you can have a look throw my blog and maybe comment thanks xx

Wednesday, February 27, 2013

My hand made jewellery

hi im hayley this is my desingener jewllery i made im the crafty crafter i sell my jewllery to make a tiny profit if your interested in any of my orginal peaces email me on

Friday, February 15, 2013

!!! Giveaway special !!!

Hi I'm having a crafting giveaway I need 100 likes on my Facebook page so I'm asking for you all to pop over to Facebook like and share my page craftycrafter and get people to like it too the most person to get people to like my Facebook page will receive a peace of handmade jewellery and personalised card so what are you waiting for ????? Get to it!!!!!!

I've put some stuff below that you might win so pop over to my @craftycrafter page on Facebook and comment on here also

Here's some new design peace to have a look hope you comment thanks x

Thursday, January 31, 2013

All my photos

All my photos are mine so don't use them please all rights are reserved and restricted many thanks

Friday, January 18, 2013

The snow

No school for my kids today were snowed in to dangerous to go out how about you all hope your all safe keep warm don't go out if you do go out drive safety take a blanket and food and first aid kit a shovel make sure you have your mobile and flash torch